Doubling the therapy tools: Website version 12 version 12.0 is live with a doubling of the therapy tools. Additions include formulations for schema therapy and CBT treatment models for depression, generalised anxiety, Health anxiety, insomnia, low self-esteem, OCD, Panic disorder, PTSD and social anxiety. New tools for values work, TRAP/TRAC, Interoceptive exposure, paradoxical intention, stimulus discrimination, safe place image, attention experiment, unmet emotional needs, anchoring, the wise mind and the systems of compassion. All tools were released under the Creative Commons 4.0 BY-SA license.

UI: Tweaks were made to make the site faster, easier to read and better formatted for all screen sizes. The top bar now animates blue to indicate the page a user is on. This enabled the removal of title bars to save space on smaller screens. Slight redesign to foot to have previews of news items.

Therapy & Clinical supervision: These pages were updated with more information and reformatted for better use of space. They format better n a range of screen sizes.