Progress Psychotherapy hosts a catalogue of custom therapy tools. The disorder headings have treatment models and tools from evidence based CBT treatment plans. There are also headings for more specialised therapy methods. The tools are fillable PDF’s that you can type into using a PDF reader or print. 

The tools are free to use, modify and redistribute under the Creative Commons 4.0 BY-SA license. The license only requires that Robert Fulton be credited as copyright holder (Progress Psychotherapy branding can be removed) and that adaptations of these tools be shared under an equally accessible license. This means that people cannot sell them as the copyright holder has stated they must be shared. They can be used in commercial activity like your own counselling or psychotherapy practice.

Robert will continue adding to these with new versions of the website. However, Robert can be commissioned to make any tool you like for a fee of £15 per tool. You can email your request. Note that the reason this is so cheap is that the tool will also be released under the CC 4.0 BY-SA license so you are only paying for the production time, not exclusive access to the tool. A Progress Psychotherapy version will be made freely available. 

You can also commission customisation of any and all of the tools. This might be to change them according to your specifications or rebranding them for your own practice. This costs £40 per hour of work so a simple logo change on one tool may be a minimal charge but significant redesigns of tools or rebranding everything may cost more. Again, you would be paying for production time as everything will be freely released under CC 4.0 BY-SA. 

Dialectical behavioural therapy

Radical acceptance

The wise mind

Compassion focused therapy

Three systems (CFT)