3 years of Progress!

Incredible to think that today is the third anniversary of the service. Thank you to all who have trusted us on their journey.

Looking back at year 3

The third year of the service was marked by expansion. The supervision service was added and the office in Kilmarnock brought back face to face sessions properly. Between Robert and Arlene more people were supported than at any year before.

Year 4

As was the case when the pandemic emerged we need to respond to the environment we find ourselves in. The cost of living situation has meant every cost the service incurs has risen sharply. Robert was not comfortable with the steep price rise it would have taken to compensate so an alternative was found. Robert’s 9-5 on Monday, Wednesday & Friday are pre-booked for one of Progress’ largest referrers, a psychology clinic in Scotland. This deal takes pressure off prices and lets Progress be accessible to private clients. We are also in discussions to resign the lease on the office so this should be accessible for at least another year, hopefully longer. In year 4 Progress will continue to make therapy as accessible as possible at a time where lowering financial barriers is more important than ever.

We look forward to continuing this journey.